Managed WordPress Ecommerce Ajuda

Import Product Variations with the Product CSV Import Suite Extension

It's possible to import variations to your products using the Product CSV Import Suite. Variations are children of variable products so you'll need to have parent products imported first.

Required: Product CSV Import Suite is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.

Steps to import product variations:

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Import products into WooCommerce with the Product CSV Import Suite.
  3. Create a CSV for your product variations.
  4. Upload your CSV by navigating to WooCommerce > CSV Import Suite and click Import Variations.
  5. Choose your file and click Upload file and import.
  6. Map your fields. Make sure that all the columns are mapping to the correct field in WordPress.
  7. Click Submit. Your product variations should now be imported.

Related Steps

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